Penrith City Council is continuing to talk with the community about how we fund future services and assets. A Special Rate Variation (SRV) means Council can provide the appropriate infrastructure as our City grows, and it will also enable us to continue to maintain our assets and services to the levels expected by our residents. This will keep us on track with our Long Term Financial Plan and a sustainable financial position.

This SRV was projected in our Long Term Financial Plan and included in our response to the NSW Government’s Fit For the Future reforms. This page outlines the different options being proposed and how you can give your feedback to Council.

How can I give my feedback?
We welcome the community's feedback. This can be done by email to or in writing addressed to:

General Manager
Penrith City Council
PO Box 60 Penrith
NSW, 2751

All comments should be submitted to Council by Friday 11 December.

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